Episode 0 – Introduction

A short episode introducing out host and the story is available now. You can listen or watch it below. Please be patient while we wait for the RSS feed to populate the various podcast software systems.

Audio file hosted on RSS.com:

Video file from YouTube (the same audio, with a few slides thrown in)

3 thoughts on “Episode 0 – Introduction”

  1. thanks William. As I understand it, the city of Muenster and Thomas Muenzter are two different historical stories. Thomas Muenzter’s works have been translated and used by various Marxists and Ernest Bloch to look at something called concrete utopias. Gregory Baum has reflected on the meaning of eternal life in relation to this concrete utopia. Anyway, a comment.

    1. Hi Don, thanks for following along.
      Yes, these two phonetically similar names, Muntzer and Münster, are different but related stories. Both are used by more recent Marxist groups to claim that these various historical figures are on their side. I’ll dig into both down the road.
      – Will

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